
Behind The Mic


Your Current Skills Set And Psychology Offers Certainty And Familiarity… Your Developing Skills And Aspirations Are Being Met With Uncertainty And Only The Possibility Of Potential!

 I Can Tell You From Experience That You Don’t Need To Overcome All Personal Insecurities.

They Are An Inevitable Part Of Operating Outside Of  Your Familiar Environments.

My Biggest Challenges Were Overcoming The Dreaded Curse… “The Imposter Syndrome” Coupled With A Heavy Dose Of My Very Own “Inner Critic”… BUT I Had Help! The Time Of The Lone Wolf Is Over!”

Now I Cant’ Wait To Help Show You How You Too Can Do The Same. Hello I’m Justin Paul… A Former Sales Professional… Turned Online And Marketing Entrepreneur, Trader And Enthusiastic Podcaster

Justin Paul

Great Times, Great Talks, Great Results, Great Friendships

Midway through 2016 I  started a coffee-catch up community of professionals and non professional alike… catching up regularly every fortnight  on a Sunday afternoon. The topics of conversations revolved around stimulating ideas based on the research and experiences of one of Australia’s leading business strategists Paul Counsel.  Many of the attendees were people who found themselves stuck in the all too familiar rut of “not enough time and not enough money.”

The general consensus was that many were just plain old tired of their respective careers or jobs which they had spent many years committed to.  Now they were desperate for change but had become accustomed to their work life and limitations around money.

They were stuck in ‘conventional thinking’ mode which only offered them conventional results. Their economic lives had reached a plateau unlikely to ever reach the next level… which was typically some version of economic freedom and financial independence.

The million dollar question… how can I make similar money and more doing what I love instead?

Well the answer is simple and the process requires work…  you need information first!

The intimate environment  provided a space for ideas and thinking that prompted individuals to  learn more about themselves which better positioned them to seek and develop other income earning opportunities.  In developing and nurturing themselves, they chose well suited alternative sources of income… some multiple sources.  This allowed them to pursue the lives  and careers they would much otherwise prefer to live and enjoy!

The well attended and much loved coffee catch-ups lasted till the end of 2017 and has provided the inspiration to expand the contents of  those many conversation into what is now the “Money And Time Machine. Com”

What people say?

Brilliant indeed. What I value most are the unique and individualised strategies that are discusses that will help the respectiveperson thrive in the current economic downturn....
Eong Tee
Thanks so much Justin! & all of you who attended the catch up at Dome!! Its been so great to hear new ideas from new members & developed news ways of business!
Eva Palecka
Thanks again Justin, was another wonderful afternoon and you had me laughing at your trip escapades, and great to see Linda, Phil and Robyn although I didn't get to speak with Robyn, see you next catch up."
Peter Rowe
Justin Paul... you have a good thing going here and some come just for the fantastic non judgmental company..."
David Best

Coming Soon

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