
"Helping You Rage Against The Theft Of Your Financial Future" ... With Justin Paul, Paul Counsel And Co.

Decrease Risk!

Decrease Debt!

Increase Skill!

Increase Income!

MATM Episode 01: Money Drivers With JP And Paul Counsel.

About This Episode: Listen as entrepreneur Paul Counsel discusses the notion of your money drivers. Those subconscious beliefs and values that serve as the blueprints which you operate from in your daily life. In short, the foundations from where your money results transpire. He goes on further to highlight just as he did, how you are able to recreate for yourself a more effective foundation or money blueprints . Ultimately allowing you to transition from your current set of money results to the kind of money results you envisage for yourself in the future!

MATM Episode 02: Seeing Opportunities With JP And Paul Counsel.

About This Episode: Paul Counsel highlights part of his journey from highly credentialed but broke potter to creating his first $1 Million. Here he discusses the idea of those 'disowned selves' that you invariably need to nurture and work with in concert, if you are to be resourceful in your capacity to increase your much needed enterprising and entrepreneurial skills.

MATM Episode 03: The Power Of Incremental Improvement With JP And Paul Counsel.

About This Episode: Paul Counsel emphasis's the "Three Critical Steps" to improving your chances of profitability in your chosen field of endeavour. The importance of environment and the benefits of understanding your internal team players that ensures more profitable outcomes.

MATM Episode 04: Optimizing Self Efficacy With JP And Paul Counsel.

About This Episode: Listen as Paul defines self-efficacy and the benefits derived from committing to improving you own self efficacy. What stands out to him in his near two decades of teaching hundreds of business owners and thousands of individuals.

MATM Episode 05: Signature Think Loops That Lack Change With JP And Paul Counsel.

About This Episode: Unless you are are willing to dissect and investigate at a much deeper level, your own thinking as it pertains to the results you say you want, you cannot possibly hope to make the necessary changes and adjustments that could bring about positive and lasting change. The importance of mentoring is invaluable. The help that a mentor offers is not only instrumental in terms of efficiency but also in terms of time... a valuable and limited resource.

MATM Episode 06: Critical Faculty And The Power Of New Thinking Loops With JP And Paul Counsel.

About This Episode: We are all familiar with the feelings of unfamiliarity and discomfort when pursuing a new endeavour or skill. The uncomfortable nature of feeling out of our comfort zone. Paul talks about the very natural process of learning and acquiring new skills. He notes the importance of getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and what to aim for when looking to improve profitability by way of effective skills development.

MATM Episode 07: Doing The Right Things... Yet Something's Missing With JP And Paul Counsel.

About This Episode: If you've ever felt, even after having done all the right things that you're still missing that important ingredient or link, then don't stress. Paul highlights an integral stumbling block almost everyone comes across when pursuing new grounds. Listen as he discusses the solution and the benefits it provides.

MATM Episode 08: Leveraging Your Success With JP And Paul Counsel.

About This Episode: Despite the pervasive allure and seduction of the "How To" movement, many peoples attempt at success are stifled and impotent. Why?... Paul explains why if you're not prepared to work on your subconscious programs and your personal money drivers, then don't be surprised when you fail to reach your desired outcomes... no matter how hard you work at it.

MATM Episode 09: Hierarchy Of Opportunity With JP And Paul Counsel.

About This Episode: There's no dismissing the fact that your journey to your desired outcomes will be met with challenges both expected and unexpected. Paul shows you how to preempt these challenges which you should really view as opportunities for growth. As someone who has spent the last 15 years in the arena of mentoring business owners and individuals alike, Paul's experience has helped those more dedicated to their journey rise above those challenges. Listen as Paul emphasizes the many benefits that a life of increased profitability provides to those who are truly committed.

MATM Episode 10: Paul Counsel's Story Of Progress With JP

About This Episode: Not everyone can say they have direct access to an author, teacher, serial entrepreneur and business mind as voted in the top 1% of business strategists and mentors in Australia by LinkedIn. So why wouldn't I share a unique perspective on success that has impacted the lives of thousands of people here in Australia and abroad. Paul shares his story from humble beginnings to humble blessings.

MATM Episode 11: Reverse Engineering Your Success & Changing The Game With JP And Nicole Lancaster-Ashby.

About This Episode: Listen as Director of High Profit Copy, Marketing & Medias' Nicole Lancaster-Ashby describes how her naive ambitions in small business lead her on a whirlwind ride to being one of Australia's leading small business mentors. Her business success and sought after business skills together with her intimate knowledge of the media industry has caught the attention of political power brokers, courting her into the highest levels of Federal politics! Her advise? Get off the sidelines and into the game!

MATM Episode 12: Awakening Your Life's Purpose Pt 1 With JP And Paul Counsel.... Coming Soon

About This Episode: How do you pull yourself out from a rut let alone find purpose and meaning in your life? Listen as Paul highlights how your current life's experiences, actually does have meaning. The problem is that the meaning was most likely imposed on you. It's important to understand that you can re-purpose your life by taking back your power, to give your life's experiences new meaning. The power to self -direct your life in ways that makes sense to you... helping you feel more aligned and happy instead of disoriented and destabilized.

MATM Episode 13: Awakening Your Life's Purpose Pt 2 With JP And Paul Counsel... Coming Soon!

About This Episode: The responsibility for change in your life has always existed in your hands. Learning how to navigate towards the life you say you want may be challenging but no more or less challenging than the soul destroying frustration of enduring your current results. It's time to stop looking at your existing results as failures but as stepping stones to a better life!

MATM Episode 14: Residual Income, The How And Why With JP & Paul Counsel.

About This Episode: Residual Income: 'How you get it and why it's critical if you want FINANCIAL FREEDOM'. The economic and financial landscape is changing and for those who are free to think for themselves, recognize that conventional wisdom is not keeping pace with the realities of change. Listen as Paul Counsel emphasizes how it's possible to keep your finger on the pulse on the heart beat of an ever changing economy... and how you can profit from changes ahead to secure your financial future!

MATM Episode 15: Podcast Interview Removed... To Be Replaced Soon.

About This Episode: The "Money And Time Machine" podcast host has opted to remove the episode from the show. After concerns were expressed, the interview content was deemed not to be in the best interests of existing and future "Money And Time Machine" podcast listeners!

MATM Episode 16: Follow Up From Your Host Justin Paul

MATM Episode 16: From wanting to create my own podcast to wanting to share the gifts that my guests have provided me! I get to converse with people I find interesting and then I share what value they provide. Their gift is that of thinking differently so that you can break free from a system that seeks to establish conformity, obedience and predictability. To achieve the kinds of results that are not of the norm... you have to break away from the norm and that journey is uncomfortable and scary at times. I wanted to touch base with seekers of information and share my experiences in the form of conversations and dialogue that will help you on your journey. That way at least... the people who have escaped conventional results to establish lives of economic freedom, can provide a guiding light for those who follow in their footsteps.

MATM Episode 17: Trading Places With JP And Phil Morland.

MATM Episode 17: Changes in the economy create uncertainty. Uncertainty creates circumstances that force some people to ponder what other alternatives exist beyond their conventional notions of how to earn money. Whatever the reasons or circumstances , one thing is clear, finding enterprising ways to earn extra money or secure your long term financial security is fast becoming the norm.
The cultural mood is changing and people whether they be a layperson or professional... or somewhere in between are considering what options are available to them.
Phil Morland, far from being complacent has looked at "Trading" as a viable option, nurturing and developing his skills. With help from his mentor with decades of trading experience, Phil's passion to master his craft has seen another element of his enterprising mind come to life . That of providing support and training for beginners and intermediate traders alike!

MATM Episode 18: Relationships: When Three Isn't A Crowd With JP And Amanda Hasenkam.

MATM Episode 18: Even the strongest of relationships can have their challenges at times. Throw in a dream to move from a life of struggle to financial independence and economic freedom, not to mention the additional demands and energy required to grow past your previously held limitations and thinking, you'd be forgiven thinking maybe three's a crowd. Learn how Amanda and her life partner have maintained a succesful partnership , navigating those challenges, embracing them and growing stronger in the process. Listen as she espouses what it means to have clarity, understand your values, communication, taking personal responsibility and what embracing compassion means to having a happy and positive relationship.

MATM Episode 19: Understanding Risk With JP And Paul Counsel.

MATM Episode 19: Most all of the decisions you make in life are based on two emotions, pleasure and pain. To simplify, the avoidance of pain and the attraction of pleasure. If you consider that risk is more closely aligned to the avoidance of pain, then consider why understanding risk is important. Why? Because by following conventional thinking, you invariably open yourself up to greater probabilities of making decisions that attracts more pain rather than the hopes of the pleasure you intended. Unless you can personally define what risk looks like for you, then it's nigh on impossible to identify it when making important decisions that can impact your life negatively. Discovering that you have engaged in risky thinking and behavior after the facts become evident can be costly indeed. Perhaps by embracing the idea of risk and understanding yourself better... you'll reduce your probability of ineffective and costly choices and increase your probability of making more effective and profitable decisions.

MATM Episode 20: The Money Lender Pt 1 With JP And Jodi Carle.

MATM Episode 20: If there is anyone who understands the difference between theory and practice, it's Jodi Carle. Following conventional wisdom, between her intelligence and drive and her husband, with a Bachelors in Business, you'd be forgiven for thinking they had it all in the bag. Reality, complete with a bout of the 2008 GFC and a subsequent
ineffective decision in buying a business, brought about the collapse of their picture perfect world. Yes, even smart people make mistakes but at least they used it as a learning experience. With a new career as a finance broker, you're not going to get a more sincere, honest and transparent outlook on the topic of money lending. All that stands between you and your dream of personal and economic freedom is taking personal responsibility. It's time to stop blaming others, time to stop playing victim and do what Jodi Carle encourages all of her clients to do... use the lending institutions... the way they use you!

MATM Episode 21: The Money Lender Pt 2 With JP And Jodi Carle.

MATM Episode 20: If there is anyone who understands the difference between theory and practice, it's Jodi Carle. Following conventional wisdom, between her intelligence and drive and her husband, with a Bachelors in Business, you'd be forgiven for thinking they had it all in the bag. Reality, complete with a bout of the 2008 GFC and a subsequent
ineffective decision in buying a business, brought about the collapse of their picture perfect world. Yes, even smart people make mistakes but at least they used it as a learning experience. With a new career as a finance broker, you're not going to get a more sincere, honest and transparent outlook on the topic of money lending. All that stands between you and your dream of personal and economic freedom is taking personal responsibility. It's time to stop blaming others, time to stop playing victim and do what Jodi Carle encourages all of her clients to do... use the lending institutions... the way they use you!

MATM Episode 22: The Corona Virus And Your Financial Sanity With JP And Jodi Carle

MATM Episode 22: Jodi Carle from Sterling Finance helps to brings some perspective and insight into how to best manage what is an unprecedented event. The Corona virus is affecting economies, large and small and everyday people are feeling the financial consequences. Instead of panicking, Jodi shares some information that may at least, relieve some of the panic you may be faced with as job losses and business closures become an everyday reality. In the face of such alarming and drastic changes, listen as Jodi lays out some options at your disposal to help alleviate some of the financial stresses and strains you might be experiencing.

MATM Episode 23: Outsourcing And Resourcefulness By Collaboration With JP And Charmaine Thring

MATM Episode 23: Charmaine Thring does two things very well. She knows how to save her clients time and money. She is a 'Digital Marketing' professional, Global specialist and a trainer of 'Freelancers'. Our education system might refer to what she does as cheating but in the real world of online business, it's called collaboration. Resourcefulness doesn't just have to come from you alone, it can come from other people too. No one person has all of the technical skills necessary to be successful online but if we knew how to harness important and specific skills , not just of our own but of others, then combining those skills could make for a very synergistic and profitable outcome. Listen to Charmaine and learn how a professional with exceptional outsourcing skills can put you on the fast track to financial independence in the online world. There is the slow and frustrating way or you can choose the expedient and profitable way at Charm Marketing!

MATM Episode 24: The Communication Queen With JP And Carmel Murphy.

MATM Episode 24: Mother of three and grandmother of two...Carmel Murphy espouses what it means to reinvent yourself. She busts a couple of myths about perceptions that thwarts too many people's beliefs, that they are stuck in life and in business. By sharing her own personal story of struggle and the grief that spurred her on to becoming dubbed "The Communication Queen.'' Carmel's natural flair to help others and her ardent belief that there's a solution to any and all problems... makes her a perfect fit as an online 'Marketing Strategist'. She breaks down the seemingly complex and challenging aspects of online business marketing into bite size chunks of simple and practical information... anybody can adopt and put into action with profitable results.

MATM Episode 25: Writing To The Sound Of Money With JP And Sarah Lucy Rose.

MATM Episode 25: Cha-Ching Copy is the brain child of Sarah Lucy Rose.
She's young but driven. Her drive and passion for all things copy writing, denotes an aura of an old and experienced soul. I struggled at one point to ask Sarah a question and the word I was grasping for was 'hierarchy'. Of all the skills in the world of online marketing, which skill would she deem the most important? The answer for many like Sarah, was copy writing. Why, when you can outsource any skill? The answer lays in the fact that it's the "money maker" skill. Without it, you can look rich and flashy but feel poor and miserable. Bank balances like results, don't lie. It's the skill that can take you from surviving on beans on toast to five star dining every night if you wished. Copy writing is fast becoming the talk of the town and deservedly so. Staking its claim as one of the most important skills when it comes to skills acquisition, in online marketing. Without it or access to it, your marketing will be hit and miss and your profits will show it. Copy writing is simple but immersed in science and your personal touch provides the art. Your ability to craft beguiling and attractive messages, is key to your success or lack thereof in your online domain!

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